Star Ocean

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Bandits Gloves For 18,000:
To Get the Bandit gloves for 18,000 simply level your identify all! super specialty skill to level
8-10 (i had it at 9). now visit hilton's outdoor
market and use the cinderella glass to lower prices. then use your identify
all stat to buy low. it should be around 18,000. everything else should be
just as low.


difficulty levels:
Complete over 45% of the voice collection. A phrase will appear on the button in the right
corner of the screen. Press this button to restart the game. New difficulty levels,
including "Universal" will be selectable. Monsters will have double the HP and
attack power under the "Universal" level.

Submission: Al Amaloo (


  1. File:Star Ocean faq.txt - ...
  2. File:Star Ocean faq 1.txt - ...
  3. File:Star Ocean faq 2.txt - ...
  4. File:Star Ocean faq 3.txt - ...
  5. File:Star Ocean faq 4.txt - ...
  6. File:Star Ocean faq 5.txt - ...