SimCity 4

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 Start game as usual. During gameplay press [Ctrl][X] to go to the console, then
 enter the following cheats followed by [Enter]:

 WeaknessPays           Get More Simoleons
 FightThePower          Remove Power Requierements
 HowDryIAm              Remove Water Requierements
 You don't deserve it   Unlock All Rewards
 Stopwatch              Toggle Clock
 WhatTimeIzIt (number)  Set Daytime To
 WhereRUFrom (name)     Change The Name Of The City
 HelloMyNameIs (name)   Change Your Name
 SizeOf (number)        Magnify To (number)
 TastyZots              Toggle Cell Warnings
 Zoneria -              ?
 DollyLlama             ?
 Barstuck               ?
 WatchMeMove            ?
 FPS (number)           ?
 RP                     ?
 Flora                  ?
 RenderProp             ?
 TerrainQuery           ?
 RenderProp             ?
 Effect                 ?
 GOL                    ? (Green Plasma Effect On Map)
 Recorder               Start Recorder

NOTE: Entering invalid cheat codes will make the console and text
remain indiferent, whereas entering a valid cheat code
will close the console.

Hold SHIFT down while pressing ENTER after entering
a cheat code and console will remain open.


  1. File:SimCity 4 solution.txt - Full Strategy Guide
  2. File:SimCity 4 faq.txt
  3. File:SimCity 4 faq 1.txt
  4. File:SimCity 4 faq 2.txt
  5. File:Imsdox-sc4v272-trainer.rar - Money and rewards trainer (for v1.0.272)
  6. File:Sc4 v10242trn2-trainer.rar - Money and rewards trainer (for v1.0.242)
  7. File:Devsc41t-trainer.rar - Money trainer