Postal 2

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 Press the shift and the @ key or the ~ key on some systems to make
 the Game Console Window Appear. Type in SISSY to enable the cheat modes
 then enter any of the following below for goodies...
 Alamode           - God Mode
 PackNHeat         - Gives player every destructive weapon in the game
 PayLoad           - Set all current weapons to have lots of ammo
 IAmSoLame         - Gives all weapons, max ammo and turns you invinicible
 PiggyTreats       - Gives lots of doughnuts
 JewsForJesus      - Gives player lots of cash
 BoyAndHisDog      - Gives player lots of dog treats (yep your dog is very
                     useful when trained)
 Jones             - Gives player lots of health pipes
 SwimWithFishes    - Gives player all radar related items
 FireInYourHole    - Enables rocket cameras (fun!)
 IAmTheOne         - Gives player lots of catnip
 LotsAPussy        - Gives player lots of cats (for use as silencers)
 BlockMyAss        - Gives player body armor
 SmackDatAss       - Gives player the gimp suit
 IAmTheLaw         - Gives player the cop clothes
 Healthful         - Gives player full health and several (4) medikits
 Whatchutalkinbout - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Gary Colemans
 Osama             - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Fanatacs
 RockinCats        - Change any guns that can use cats as silencers to have
                     a cat on them and the cat will shoot off everytime and a new
                     one will magically appear
 DokkinCats        - Removes cat repeating guns (turns them back to normal)
 IFeelFree         - Ghost mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off)
 LikeABirdy        - Fly mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off)
 Fly               - ?
 Walk              - ?
 Slowmo (number)   - sets speed

 By Smastie, + Rom�n Attila,


  1. File:Kll-p2 egc-other.rar - Unlock the Enhanced Mode
  2. File:Postal2Save-savegame.rar - PLay all levels (Attention 1,7 MB)
  3. File:Postal2unlock-other.rar - Unlocks secret menu