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 Press [F1] to pull down the console screen during gameplay, then type


 to enable cheat mode. Now you can type in

 set god                       God mode and unlimited mana
 help cheat                    List cheats
 cheat ability                 Reset player abilities
 cheat goto {waypoint | x y}   Warp to named waypoint
 cheat health                  Refill health
 cheat mana                    Refill mana
 cheat level #                 Set play to given level #
 cheat spells                  Set all spells to given level
 cheat gold #                  Adds gold to character
 full health                   Full health
 full mana                     Refill mana


  1. File:Nox cheats.txt
  2. File:Nox hints.txt - Warrior Guide for Nox Multiplaye
  3. File:KL NOXMagier-INet-other.rar
  4. File:Nox-other.rar
  5. File:Vqinq21t-trainer.rar - Can change/freeze mana, health, money and experience (for v1.2)
  6. File:Nox-trainer.rar
  7. File:Nox1-trainer.rar - Booster for mana, health and gold (v1.0)