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 Press [Esc] in the game and type in:

 ucantkillme       God mode (for Bob) ON
 fleshnblood       God Mode OFF
 einstein          AI ON
 braindead         AI Off
 icanseeu          AI vision ON
 icantsee          AI vision OFF
 freezecam         Camera freezer ON
 thawcam           Camera freezer OFF

 toohardforme      End current game

 Things to spawn

 gamespot          Weapon Ammo
 voodooextreme     Bazooka
 softwarebuys      Grenades
 weldme            Welding Torch
 buzzbuzz          Buzzsaw
 boomstick         Pumpgun
 rapidfire         Machinegun
 slicendice        Maimer
 lightmeup         Flamethrower
 cooloff           Pak Gun
 bigbang           Bazooka
 coolfx            Laser
 stickaround       Harpoon Gun
 illbeback         Weapon Ammo
 getsome           Grenades

 People (well, or kinda ;-)) to spawn

 lcop              Light Cop
 mcop              Medium Cop
 hcop              Heavy Cop
 rcop              Riot Cop
 guncmndr          Gun Commander
 incharge          Domina
 mynightmare       Armored Behemoth
 cantseemyface     Welder
 workinman         Worker
 egghead           Scientist
 glowstick         Radiation Worker
 heydoc            Medic
 smellyguy         Chot 1
 nohygiene         Chot 2
 idontdance        Chot 3
 scumbucket        Chot 4
 chotling          Chot Dwarf
 smellysteroids    Chot Behemoth
 fungirl           Fungirl
 workit            Prost 1
 mansdream         Prost 2
 specialguy        Hung
 averagejoe        Male Dweller 1
 averagejack       Male Dweller 2
 averagejohn       Male Dweller 3
 janeplain         Female Dweller 1
 jillplain         Female Dweller 2
 femfatale         Subgirl 1
 nastyone          Subgirl 2
 varmint           Rat
 bestfriend        Barman
 bringmeadrink     Waitress
 bustamove         Dancer 1
 cutarug           Dancer 2
 mixalot           DJ
 tophat            Pimp Daddy
 onsteroids        Behemoth
 addedfirepower    Offensive Bot
 keepmecompany     Companion Bot
 letmein           Bouncer

 Technical stuff:

 charwireon        Character wireframe ON
 charwireoff       Character wireframe OFF
 worldwireon       World wireframe ON
 worldwireoff      World wireframe OFF
 onpolycount       Polycount ON
 offpolycount      Polycount OFF


  1. File:Messiah faq.txt
  2. File:Messiah solution.txt
  3. File:Messiah-other.rar