Lands of Lore

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 Edit the file MAIN.EXE with the hex editor and

 Search for            5E FC 26 89 7F 39 26 83
 and change it to      -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- --

 and your health will not be reduced.

 Search for            5E FC 26 89 7F 3D EB 12
 and change it to      -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- --
 and search for        5E FC 26 01 47 3D 26 83
 and change it to      -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- --

 and your magic points will not be reduced.


Lands of Lore hex list by
Marc Rene Delhalle <>
for DIRTY LITTLR HELPER September 1996
All statements are according to the german CD-Version!

The Items are represented as 2 byte each. It was not possible to make
a complete Item list, because the meaning of each value changes very
often. At the beginning, 2f 00 was something useless like a stone,
some time later you get an excellent longsword by hacking the same
bytes in. Special Tip: If you find a spell scroll, write it down in
the spell book immediately! It happened to me, that a just won scroll
converted into an "illegal item", when I went down to another level.

       * Offset    * Meaning                                     *
       * 78        * Name of the players character               *
       * 208       * Name of the 1st NPC in the Party            *
       * 338       * Name of the 2nd NPC in the Party            *
       * 618-713   * Die 48 Items im gemeinsamen Gep�ck          *
       * 1142-1148 * each Byte = 1 possible Spell                *
       *           *             00 Sparks                       *
       *           *             01 Healing                      *
       *           *             02 Freeze                       *
       *           *             03 Fireball                     *
       *           *             04 Fate                         *
       *           *             05 Death Fog                    *
       *           *             06 Lightning                    *
       *           *             07 Whirl                        *
       *           *             08 Acid                         *
       * 596, 599  * X-Coordinate (decrement = left)             *

       *Offset to the name  *  Meaning         *
       * 55/56              *  Hitpoints act.  *
       * 57/58              *  Hitpoints max.  *
       * 59/60              *  Mana act.       *
       * 61/62              *  Mana max.       *
       * 100                *  Fighterlevel    *
       * 101                *  Thieflevel      *
       * 102                *  Magelevel       *


  1. File:Lol-other.rar
  2. File:Lore-other.rar - other
  3. File:0197 10-other.rar - Module for the game editor Gamehack
  4. File:0997 24-other.rar