King's Bounty: The Legend

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        King's Bounty: The Legend Cheats

Just hold down the SHIFT + ~ (tilde) keys together, then a message box will appear in the middle of the screen. Type in any of the codes below (while in Adventure Mode) with the exact number, next press ENTER to add.

Code:                   Effect:
Money <#>          Add or Subtract <#> gold
Leadership <#>     Adds <#> amount of leadership
Doublearmy <slot>  Available slots are 1-5, it will double the number of troops in that slot.
                   If you do not choose a slot number, it doubles all your troops
Magicbook          Gives all Level 1 spells in your spellbook and gives 7 of each spell in
                   scroll form to your inventory!
Rune <#>           Gives the number <#> of all 3 runes specified
Crystal <#>        Gives the number <#> of crystals specified
Levelup <#>        If you type a number, it will give you that many levels of experience.
                   If no number is typed, it just gives one level!
Mana <#>           Increases maximum mana by number specified. If no number is given it only refills your mana
Rage <#>           Increases maximum rage by number specified. If no number is given it only refills your rage
Spirit <#>         Levels up your spirits (maximum level=30 !!)
Clearwife          Removes wife and children
Name <name>        Rename your hero to <name>
Boat               Summons your boat if you have purchased one.

All cheat words must be typed in lowercase. Don't capitalize the first letter.
Just hold down the SHIFT + ~ (tilde) keys together, then a message box will appear in the middle of the screen. Type in any of the codes below (while in Adventure Mode) with the exact number, next press ENTER to add.

Code:                   Effect:
A. money           Add or Subtract  gold
B. leadership      Adds  amount of leadership
C. doublearmy   Available slots are 1-5, it will double the number of troops in that slot.
                   If you do not choose a slot number, it doubles all your troops
D. magicbook          Gives all Level 1 spells in your spellbook and gives 7 of each spell in scroll form to your inventory!
E. rune            Gives the number  of all 3 runes specified
F. crystal         Gives the number  of crystals specified
G. levelup         If you type a number, it will give you that many levels of experience.
                   If no number is typed, it just gives one level!
H. mana            Increases maximum mana by number specified. If no number is given it only refills your mana rage
            Increases maximum rage by number specified. If no number is given it only refills your rage 
I. spirit          Levels up your spirits (maximum level=30 !!)
J. clearwife          Removes wife and children
K. name         Rename your hero to 
L. boat               Summons your boat if you have purchased one.


  1. - +1 Trainer for v1.6.4 build 34306
  2. - Kings Bounty v1.6.5 (build 34502) +1 Promo trainer
  3. - v1.6.4 (build 34306) +10 Trainer
  4. - v1.7 +1 Promo Trainer
  5. - v1.7 +10 Trainer