Jedi Knight

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Press [T], enter one of the following codes, and press
[Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.

hereisnotry     Level skip
whiteflag1      Disable AI
whiteflag0      Restore AI
deeznuts        Increase force level
eriamjh         Fly
jediwannabe1    Invincibility
jediwannabe0    Disable invincibility
red5            All weapons
wamprat         All items
yodajammies     Mana
raccoonking     Gain all force powers
imayoda         Light master
sithlord        Dark master
5858lvr         Show entire map
slowmo1         Slow motion
slowmo0         Disable slow motion
pinotnoir1      Restart level with current weapons
pinotnoir0      Disable level restart
bactame         Full health
warpxyz         Warp to new location in current level <x,y,z, coordinates>
displayconfig   Gives you an advanced menu in setup/display
coords          Gives your current six coordinates as well as the sector
hyper           Brings you to all player starts (only in multiplayer)
kill            Kill yourself

Meet the Evil:

1. Start level 5.
2. Follow the canal into the city
3. Go past the first few buildings until you come to a bridge.
4. A woman will cross the bridge towards you, follow her
5. The woman goes through a locked door, keep following.
6. In the room is MAX! The psycho rabbit from Sam & Max!
7. Activating him can get him to run outside if you open the door.
8. Activating him outside lets you see in MaxOVision


  1. File:Jedi Knight cheats.txt
  2. File:Jedi Knight faq.txt
  3. File:Jedi-other.rar - Blood patch