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 While in turn based mode all you have to do is spend all
 but one action point then quicksave it, then quickload it.
 You will get all the action points back for the character
 and can go on doing this until combat ends.

 By GentzViper "Laurence Genesart"


  1. File:Fallout solution.txt - Evil walkthrough
  2. File:Fallout hints.txt
  3. File:Fallout faq.txt
  4. File:Fallout solution 1.txt
  5. File:CharakF1-savegame.rar
  6. File:Falloutuhs-other.rar - Solution in UHS format
  7. File:Fall-other.rar - Keyboard layout
  8. File:Fallout-other.rar
  9. File:Fallout-trainer.rar - Trainer +7
  10. File:Fallout-editor.rar - This is a character editor for Interplay's Fallout which can edi
  11. File:Fallout2-savegame.rar