Deadly Dozen 2 - Pacific Theater

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 Open the console and type in:

 /tell cheatcheat       - enable cheats

 /tell ammo             - unlimited ammo
 /tell godmode          - god mode
 /tell invis            - invisible
 /tell fly              - fly mode
 /tell hitlermode       - enemies dont die
 /tell winmission       - win mission
 /tell losemission      - lose mission
 /tell give             - give Thompson M1 to inventory
 /tell ac               - god mode + unl. ammo + fly mode
 /tell ec               - enemy camera
 /tell noint            - hide/show hud
 /tell stats            - show game stats
 /tell cvdraw           - rendering cover nodes
 /tell astar            - rendering astar paths
 /tell pathdraw         - rendering patrol paths
 /tell wpcondraw        - rendering waypoint connections
 /tell wpdraw           - rendering waypoint
 /tell arrival          - rendering arrival points