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999 White Crystals:
 80074BC0 0FFF

Infinite Lives:
 80075234 00FF

Six Gobbos Found:
 80074BC8 0006

Five Coloured Crystals Found:
 80074D24 001F

Invisible Croc:
 8007C486 0002

Invincible Croc:
 8007C486 FFF1

Level Select (Only 1 code at a Time)

Level 1 - And so the Adventure Begins:
 8007542C 0000

Level 2 - Underground Overground:
 8007542C 0001

Level 3 - Shouting Lava Lava Lava:
 8007542C 0002

Level 4 - Lair of the Feeble:
 8007542C 0003

Level 5 - The Curvy Caverns:
 8007542C 0004

Level 6 - The Tumbling Dantini:
 8007542C 0005

Level 7 - Cave Fear:
 8007542C 0006

Level 8 - Darkness Decends:
 8007542C 0007

Level 9 - Fight Night With Flibby:
 8007542C 0008

Level 10 - The Twisty Tunnels:
 8007542C 0009

Level 11 - The Ice of Life:
 8007542C 000A

Level 12 - Be Wheely Careful:
 8007542C 000A

Level 13 - Riot Brrrrr:
 8007542C 000B

Level 14 - Chumlys Snow Den:
 8007542C 000C

Level 15 - Chumlys Snow Den:
 8007542C 000D

Level 16 - Clouds of Ice:
 8007542C 000E

Level 17 - I Snow him so Well:
 8007542C 000F

Level 18 - Say no Snow:
 8007542C 0010

Level 19 - Licence to Chill:
 8007542C 0011

Level 20 - Demon Itsy's Ice Palace:
 8007542C 0012

Level 21 - Ice Bridge to Eternity:
 8007542C 0013

Level 22 - Lights Camel Action:
 8007542C 0014

Level 23 - Mud Pit Mania:
 8007542C 0015

Level 24 - Goin Underground:
 8007542C 0016

Level 25 - The Deadly Tank of Neptuna:
 8007542C 0017

Level 26 - Arabian Heights:
 8007542C 0018

Level 27 - Sand and Freedom:
 8007542C 0019

Level 28 - Leap of Faith:
 8007542C 001A

Level 29 - Life's a Beach:
 8007542C 001B

Level 30 - Cactus Jack's Ranch:
 8007542C 001C

Level 31 - Defeato Burrito:
 8007542C 001D

Level Passwords:
                           1 - 1: ULLLLDDULULURRU
                           1 - 2: ULLLLDDULURDRRU
                           1 - 3: RULULUURLRURLUD
                           1 - B1: DLURLDRLRLRRDLL
                           1 - 4: URDLLDDULRRDRRU
                           1 - 5: RDDULUURLUURLUD
                           1 - 6: DRRRLDRLRDRRDLL
                           1 - B2: DRURRRRLLLLRULL
                           2 - 1: RDLURRURLRURLUD
                           2 - 2: DRURRLRLRLRRDLL
                            2 - 3: RLRRRRRLLLLLULL
                          2 - B1: ULDLRLDULRRDRRU
                           2 - 4: RDDURLURLRDRRUD
                           2 - 5: LUUULUDUDRULULD
                           2 - 6: RULURDURURDRRUD
                           2 - B2: DLURRURLULLLULL
                           3 - 1: RUDURDURURURRUD
                           3 - 2: RUDURDURURDLRUD

Level Select:
Enter "L,L,L,L,D,R,R,L,L,D,R,D,L,U,R" as a password.

Level Select:
the Paßwort Screen !!!

Island Passwords
Note : When you enter these passwords, You wont start with any items.

Island 2 R, D, L, U, R, R, U, R, L, R, U, R, L, U, D
Island 3 L, U, R, U, R, D, D, U, D, U, U, L, U, L, D
Island 4 R, D, D, U, R, L, U, R, D, U, U, R, L, U, D

Last Island with all Secrets:
Unlock all secrets and put you at the last level
of the secret fifth island (5-B).

Keep From Dying in a Fall
If you miss a jump, pause the game before Croc starts his yell. Press Select,
choose Quit game, Then select No. When given the Quit games options, press down,
and neither Continue or Quit games will be highlighted. Press X, and you will be
given to option to quit the level. You can then restart the level with no lives

Jailhouse Croc Password:
Password for 84% of the game is solved.

Sound test:
Press Select at the "Audio Options" screen.

Invincible falls:
Pause the game as Croc yells while falling. Press Select and choose the "Quit" option. Then, select
the "No" option. Press Down at the quit game screen so neither the "Continue" or "Quit" options are
selected. Press X and restart the current level without losing a life.