Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines

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 Level codes (Attention: codes vary in the different translations):

 Level   German      US            French
         Version     Version       Version


 2       4JJXB       4JJXB         YS2B7
 3       ZDD1T       4FQBF         4MD1T
 4       RFF1J       5DNCQ         4GF1J
 5       K4TCG       6S5TL         24TCG
 6       MIR4M       AT1WN         QT1WN
 7       7QVJV       O9VJ8         1QVJV
 8       K99XC       WQ9XB         P99XC
 9       AAAX1       Q2AXT         J1PBF
 10      JSGPW       TUGPD         NU6PD
 11      CMODD       9WODW         ND0PW
 12      JGHD3       UVHDC         NMB4M
 13      PUUWW       FBK48         JBK4V
 14      WT348       WA8DW         EL34V
 15      139P0       KEWD3         69WDN
 16      L9IPV       R7JP3         EQIPY
 17      5LIMV       FXIMV         R40JF
 18      YJOJG       ZZMJV         9DGJ7
 19      YFCWJ       8HCWN         7FV48
 20      GDKWT       C7KWW         Q8U4V

 Type "1982GONZO" during the game. If that doesn't work, try
 "GONZO1982" instead.

 Now, you have the following options:

 [Shift][V]        - Trace user
 [Shift][X]        - Tele-transport (place the selected commandos
                     under your mouse cursor)
 [Ctrl]+I          - You are invincible
 [Ctrl]+[Shift][N] - Finish the mission
 [F9]              - Information about the level
 [Ctrl][Shift][X]  - Judgement day
 [Alt][I]          - Items


  1. File:Commandos-Behind Enemy Lines faq.txt
  2. File:Com-other.rar
  3. File:Comm-trainer.rar - Everything in unlimited amounts