Batman - The Caped Crusader

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This is the Solution to Batman - The Caped Crusader - on the PC.
It is also the final entry of the Hints & Solutions Disk.

When this Solution was created, only the nessecary things were done.
This means that when you finish the game, you'll have about 88% score.

'THE BATCAVE'  Collect the following items :
                - Batrang
                - Handgranade
                - Key
                - Police Badge
Exit the Batcave.

'THE CITY SLEEPS'  Walk right. When you meet the copper, show him your badge.
Keep on going right and get the rope. Now walk left 10 screens and go up the
stairs. Get the torch. Climb back down and walk right 2 screens. Go up and
walk to 'THE WAREHOUSE'. Here, use the key and enter.

Inside, walk left 2 screens, then go down one. Now walk right one and stand
above the elevator. Use the rope and climb down. Below, walk left 2 screens
and get the elevator key.
Walk back to the lift again and walk thru the right door. Now go 2 screens
to the right, 1 up, 1 left and again one up. Use the torch.
Go right, until you find a door down and enter it.

Go left, down and left again. Get the dart. Now go back to the elevator and
use the key.

When you are up, walk through the door, 3 screens right, up and 2 screens
right. At 'SHADOWS EVERYWHERE', enter the door and use the dart.
You'll receive a pass. Go outside, down and walk to the door with the text
Use the pass and enter the door.

Walk left as far as you can, go thru the door and get the key. Leave the room
and walk right. Enter the door to the back and walk left until you get to

Go down, then left until you find a door with stairs near it and enter the
door. Go right one screen, to the front, right again and to the front, now
2 to the right and to the front, right one and back, left one and back.
Now, go 1 right and open the door with your key.

Go thru the door and right 1 screen and take the virus disk. Go outside again
and walk right 1 screen. Enter the door. Walk left twice and go thru the
door. Finally, go right once and insert the virus disk into the computer.

                  <<<<<<<<THE END>>>>>>>>