Bad Dudes

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SZNKASVK   Infinite Lives
GXOKASVK   Infinite Continues
PENXYZLA   Start with 1 Life and 1 Continue
TENXYZLA   Start with Double Lives and Continues
PENXYZLE   Start with Triple Lives and Continues
PESAIYIE   Gain Double Usual Energy from Drinks
APEETPEY   Become completely Invincible

 For infinate lives in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG.
 First backup your  game to be edited, then type the following
 from the dos prompt:

 ren e:\startup.exe cheater.cht
 debug e:\cheater.cht
 e 5947 c7 87 85 0 6 0 eb 13

 Then rename CHEATER.CHT back to its previous name.