Bubble Bobble
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5 BIFFB 10 BCCCB 15 BEJJJ 20 AFFFB 25 ACJJI 30 AGJJJ 35 IFIIG 40 IGGGB 45 IJEEG 50 FIIIG 55 FBAAG 60 FCEEG 65 JJCCB 70 JEEEB 75 JAIIB 80 CCCCB 85 CEJJJ 90 CBIIB 95 CIAAJ 99 GEJJJ Cheats von Tobias Wagner - tw@dlh.net
ARCs: 00002E03 Unlimited lives for Bub 00004203 Unlimited lives for Bob
Enter in the titelmenu up, down, up, down, right, down, left, down, up and down. Now you can start a debugger, when you press L/R during the game.
Player 1 Infinite Lives: 80176B18 0003 Player 2 Infinite Lives: 80176AE8 0003 Player 1 Invincibility: 80176B1C 0100 30176B30 0000 Player 2 Invincibility: 80176AEC 0100 30176B00 0000 Infinite Credits: 80176B80 0009 Player 1 Spits fire-balls: 80176B1E 011F Player 2 Spits fire-balls: 80176AEE 011F Rainbow Islands Infinite Lives: 8005DB7C 0015 8005DC3A 0003
Bubble Bobble Infinite Lives Player 1: 80176AC8 0005 80176ACC 0100 30176AE0 0000 Infinite Lives Player 2: 80176A98 0003 80176A9C 0100 30176AB0 0000 Infinite Credits: 80176B30 0009 Player 1 Special of the Bobble: 80176ACE 0129 Player 1 Special of the Bobble in Fire: 80176ACE 011F Player 2 Special of the Bobble: 80176A9E 0129 Player 2 Special of the Bobble in Fire: 80176A9E 011F Rainbow Islands Infinite Lives Player 1: 8005DC3A 0003 Infinite Credits: 8005D3E6 0009
Entering debug mode: Press Down, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Up, Down at the title screen. Level skip: Enter debug mode. Press L1 during game play to jump to the previous level. Press R1 during game play to jump to the next level. Debug menu: Enter debug mode. Press R2 during game play to display the debug menu. This displays the map number, Bub's lives, and Bob's lives. Press R1 during game play to hide the debug menu. Original version: Press Right, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up at the title screen. The original version of the game allows you to enter the diamond rooms at levels 20, 30 and 40 even if you lose a life. Bonus Eeffects: Enter one of the following initials on the high score screen, then start another game. The new effects will appear when certain bonuses are collected during the game: SEX TAK STR KTT I.F MTJ NSO KIM YSH LSD Thunder Bubble Glitch: Do the Debug Code. During the game, press R2 to bring up the debug menu. Go to map 63 and press L2. You will go to stage 100 where there are thunder bubbles. Press R2 again and go to map 0 and press L2. You will have the thunder bubbles with you on stage 1. Now you can easily beat the game. Submission: Big Rob (bigrob1007@aol.com)
Stageselect: Enter KGBJ as levelcode and use LEFT to select the level. Cheat by Felipe Gerhard - felipe.gerhard@gmx.net
Level Code ---------------------- 1 VLL1 2 VGL1 3 KLL1 4 KGL1 5 WLL1 6 WGL1 7 JLL1 8 JGL1 9 XLL1 10 XGL1 11 HLL1 12 HGL1 13 ZLL1 14 ZGL1 15 GLL1 16 GGL1 17 1LL1 18 1GL1 19 FLL1 20 FGL1 21 3LL1 22 3GL1 23 DLL1 24 DGL1 25 4LL1 26 4GL1 27 CLL1 28 CGL1 29 5LL1 30 5GL1 31 BLL1 32 BGL1 33 VLLF 34 VGLF 35 KLLF 36 KGBF 37 WLBF 38 WGBF 39 JLBF 40 JGBF 41 XLBF 42 XGBF 43 HLBF 44 HGBF 45 ZLBF 46 ZGBF 47 GLBF 48 GGBF 49 1LBF 50 1GBF 51 FTBF 52 FZBF 53 3TBF 54 3ZBF 55 DTBF 56 DZBF 57 4TBF 58 4ZBF 59 CTBF 60 CZBF 61 5LLF 62 5GLF 63 BLLF 64 BGLF 65 VLL3 66 VGL3 67 KLL3 68 HGL3 69 WLL3 70 WGL3 71 JLL3 72 JGL3 73 XLL3 74 XGL3 75 HLL3 76 HGL3 77 ZLL3 78 ZGL3 79 GLL3 80 GGL3 81 1TB3 82 1ZB3 83 FTB3 84 FZB3 85 3TB3 86 3ZB3 87 DTB3 88 DZB3 89 4TB3 90 4ZB3 91 CTB3 92 CZB3 93 5TB3 94 5ZB3 95 BTB3 96 BZB3 97 VTBD 98 VZBD 99 KTBD 100 KZBD Levelcodes by Doctor D - docd@beer.com
If you can get to boards 10, 20, 30 & 40 without dying a door will appear to take you to a secret level. On boards 7 & 22 wait a few seconds until the umbrelkla falls and grab it, you will warp ahead 6 levels.
Level 25: Jump up to the middle of the room before he starts moving and get the power to breath fire. The easiest way to defeat him is to stand on the highest platform and shoot him on his highest jumps. You will only have to dodge when he tries to jump underneath you. Level 50: Like before, gather the powerup before he starts moving. Learn the pattern of his movement and attacks before trying to shoot him. Level 75: Again, get the power up quickly. Stay on the level that hangs about where his head is when he jumps. Shoot at him when his head is your level. Watch out for the fireballs he throws, but once you learn his pattern they get easier to dodge. Level 100: The final boss. The powerup in this stage works a little differently. You gain the ability to shoot lightning bubbles which need to be popped in order to be effective. I recommend climbing up the platforms while the boss has his back turned to you. Then jump toward the wall and press the attack button as fast as you can. As you move down the wall, you will fire a steady stream of lightning bolts at the boss. These bolts will also destroy the projectiles he throws at you. Don't stand in the corners too long or you could get nailed. Like the bosses before, once you learn his patterns he shouldn't be a problem. Note: After defeating the final boss, you will receive a password which will start you over at level 1 with harder enemies. The bosses will need more hits to defeat, but their patterns remain the same.
- File:1296 1-trainer.rar - This fine trainer by Roderick Maher allows you to manipulate the