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Latest revision as of 23:30, 27 September 2009


Advanced Fighting Techniques:
When fighting Soulcage in FFIX, you already know not to use fire magic because it will cause him to light on fire, leading to fire-based attacks that strike the entire party. If you cast an Ice spell on him, though, it will put out his fire. So, this is a reversible mistake to make.
Not only this, but I had Vivi use 'Drain' when his HP were low and Vivi died. Wait, inverted damage/regeneration when using drain spell? This is a symptom of... Undead status? That's right: Soulcage is an undead creature, therefore you can kill him instantly by having Eiko or Dagger cast 'Life' on him.  (I recommend that you steal all you the items you want first)
***Take Note:Phoenix down/pinion will NOT work on any undead creature.  It must be a magic spell to kill it.***
Submission: Carlos Miranda (Spiderkane1@hotmail.com)

Black Jack:
After beating the game watch the credits until you see "The End" on the screen. Now press, during "The End" is displayed: R2, L1, R2, R2, Up, X, Right, Circle, Down, Triangle, L2, R1, R2, L1, Square, Square, Start.

Reset in Game:
Press during the game L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select + Start to reset the

Ultimecia Strategey:
I had Squall, Rinoa and Quistis in my team. All were lvl 100 with their best weapons: Lionheart,  Save the Queen and Shooting Star. Rinoa would use Combine continuously until she got INVINCIBLE MOON! Then I would use Squall's limit breaks, and hoped he'd get Lionheart. Quistis: Blue Magic, inc: Homing Laser and Mighty Guard. (To keep up Limits etc) I would then cast Doomtrain (not on Grevier, cause he absorbs it!) Eden, and my other summons. BUT it really sux because your gf's get blown away by ULTIMECIA's final form. I then let Rinoa have Angel Wing, by the time we were down to the final form. Auto Potion, Shell and Protect are needed to win!
Submission: Laura Hurley (rinoa_wendy@yahoo.com)

Charakters are invisble:
 800AB8B0 0000
 800AB8B2 0000
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

No Shadows:
 800AB92C 0000
 800AB92E 0000
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

9.999.999 GIL:
 50000202 6A19
 8008B7B0 967F
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Timer is 00:00:00:
 8002487A AC60
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Time Decreases:
 D0024874 1021
 30024874 0023
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Unlimited Magic Stones:
 50000990 0000
 3008B2A3 0063
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

All Abilities:
 50000990 0000
 3008B296 00FF
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

All Items:
 5000FF02 0001
 8008B7C4 6300
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Fast Characters:
 D007411E FBFE
 80015E60 0000
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Normal Characters:
 D007411E FEFE
 80015E60 0001
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Slow Characters:
 D007411E F7FE
 80015E60 0002
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Walk through Walls:
 D007411E FF7E
 80049A44 0000
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Don't walk through Walls:
 D007411E FFDE
 80049A44 0001
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Full Gold:
 8008B7B0 967F
 8008B7B2 0098

Endless Gold:
 8008B7B0 FFFF

All Items:
 5000FF02 0001
 8008B7C4 6301

Full Gil:
 8008B7B0 E0FF
 8008B7B2 05F5

All Abilities:
 50009901 0000
 3008B296 00FF

Refill Magic:
 D0073942 FBFF
 80098B16 03E7
D0073942 FBFF
 801090C6 03E7
 D0073942 FBFF
 80098FBE 03E7
D0073942 FBFF
 80109196 03E7
 D0073942 FBFF
 80099466 03E7
 D0073942 FBFF
 80108f26 03E7
 D0073942 FBFF
 8009866E 03E7
D0073942 FBFF
 80108FF6 03E7
 (Hit L1 during Battle)

Refill Health:
 80098B10 1388
 D0073942 FEFF
 801090C4 1388
 D0073942 FEFF
 80098FB8 1388
 D0073942 FEFF
 80109194 1388
 D0073942 FEFF
 80099460 1388
 D0073942 FEFF
 80098668 1388
 D0073942 FEFF
 80108F24 1388
 D0073942 FEFF
 80108FF4 1388
 D0073942 FEFF

(Hit L2 during Battle)